In September 2015, I was diagnosed with Stage 3 MBC (Metastatic Breast Cancer).  I have no family history and I am not positive for any genetic markers.  I just have cancer. 

My family, my daughter (15), son (9) and husband of over 20 years were horrified.  No one knew how this diagnosis was going to change our lives.  That sounds crazy, but I really do not believe that any of us ever thought of this possible alternative reality.  How could we?  We had friends who had dealt with cancer, but we did not know of any family members on my side that had a cancer that could relate to MBC.  

**Disclaimer: My father was diagnosed with NHL (Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma).  He is is currently in remission.  My doctors, right or wrong, use this helpful data (my father's NHL diagnosis) but do not feel it is related to my cancer.  Or at least at the moment they do not. 

I should also point out: I am not a writer.   However, I do love stories and how they can change outlooks, perceptions, and in my case... constantly remind me that my story is not done.

During this time I was introduced to the world of alternative hair.  Very strange place.  I lost all my hair 14 days after starting chemo (TCHP).  ALL my hair.  I guess the doctors forgot to tell me that hair loss occurs all over.... HA!  What a surprise. 

I will talk about my first wig store experience in another story, but ya'll.... it was not possible to pivot fast enough out of there....

2015 was a blur.  Into 2016 my treatment progressed to 2 lumpectomies and 36 rounds of radiation. I did not opt for a full mastectomy and I am conflicted on this choice.  I decided not to because of the recovery and I did not think the stress on my body was something I wanted to ask it (my body) to do. 

2016 after radiation was the BEST!  No was growing back.  I did my best to put the 2015/2016 cancer fight behind me.  I was in remission!!

This fight a stupid scratchy scab; it is ugly and constantly reminding you it is there. 

August of 2017 my PET showed a recurrence and I was back in hell. 

I am going to pause my story for a week here.  This part always gets me.  I cannot begin to describe how this feels.  So control...the unbelievable pain your family goes through.  Ugh...yeah I need a week.  



Bethany Siddall